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How to Advertising on Google

How to Advertising on Google – A Guide for Advertiser - Advertising your business on Google can be the best decision you’ve ever made for you. However, do you know how to advertising on Google in the first place? Even if you don’t, just read this article thoroughly and practice the tips shared below.

Before read to the section where you learn more the steps on advertising your business for free (or with paid plans), you must be understanding what Google Ads is and how it works.

Google Ads

Before it became Google Ads, it was called Google Adwords. Google Ads is a marketing service offered and provided by Google itself. By using this program, your product or website will show up on the first page, on top of all results in the first place.

Generally, you have to pay for this service. But you will also find several tricks to get advertised by Google for free in this article.

You will launch your ads through campaigns. Before jumping on the step-by-step guide on how to advertising on Google, there are a few types of campaigns you need to know, such as:

  • Search campaign,
  • Shipping campaign,
  • App campaign,
  • Video campaign,
  • And a display campaign.

Knowing the type of your campaign helps create the most effective template before launching the ads. Also, instead of Facebook Ads, people love advertising on Google due to its low-cost budget. You only need to spend $1 per click.

Why Should You Advertise on Google?

Why should you learn how to advertise on Google? Is Google Ads really effective to boost your business? Let’s check out several facts below!

  • According to research, Google Ads has a click-through rate up to 8%.
  • Paid ads on Google allows users to get up 65% of the clicks.
  • YouTube ads can be a great competitor but people use Google more.

Of course, you will need to plan and run a thoughtfully tailored campaign. Once you do everything right, you will get a huge ROI in the first place. Still according to Google, from every $1 you pay for the ads, you will get $8 – interesting, right?

How to Advertising on Google

So, how will you run Google for My Business and put ads on it? Here are several steps you follow on how to advertising on Google.

#1 Utilize Google Keyword Planner

Before setting up an ad, you should give the keyword planner from Google a try. Consider this tool as the first step you have to fulfill on how to advertising on Google.

  1. First of all, you have to access the Keyword Planner site and head to click the “Go to Keyword Planner” button.
  2. After that, Google will require you to create an account. You can create a new account or use a Gmail account for Google Ads login.
  3. Whether you prefer to use your Gmail account or create a new account, you have to fill out some business information. It includes currency, country, and time zone. Don’t forget to click the “Submit” button before jumping to the next step.
  4. The system will take you to another page where you will find the “Explore Your Campaign” button.
  5. After hitting that button, you can head to the Google Keyword Planner tab, which is located on the Tools & Setting menu.

It is where you will find a series of tools to find new keywords. In case you had no idea where to start, you can hit the “Discover new keywords” option to generate some ideas.

Other than that, you can enter products, services, or anything that comes to your mind that you want to target. Don’t forget to enter the language and location to get accurate results.

Once you’ve finished everything, the screen will show you the analytics of each keyword. Moreover, Google also shows you a list of keyword ideas that will be useful for your campaigns.

#2 Easy Way to Advertise on Google

To run ads on Google, you have to access Google Ads Manager in the first place. However, you need to create an account first by following the previous method. If you already have an account, here are the steps you can follow.

  1. First thing first, go to the Google Ads homepage. Find the “start now” button and click it. This is the part where you have to define your goal. Thus, feel free to customize anything after clicking the “New Campaign” button.
  2. Google will ask your business name along with other details about your business. Of course, you have to fill in the keywords as well.
  3. After that, you need to target the audience. You will see a few options and pick the one that suits your goals.
  4. This is where you can create your ads. Many Google Ads-friendly templates are available on the internet and feel free to use them, though.
  5. The next step is to set your billing before hitting submit.

You may have finished the easiest way on how to advertising on Google. The next step is to track how the campaign does with Google Analytics.

#3 How to Advertise on Google for Free

Is it possible to get advertised for free? Of course, it is – below are several steps you can try on how to advertising on Google for free.

  1. The first thing you have to do is to access Google Business and find the “Start Now” button.
  2. After that, find the business for verification. In case you cannot find anything, you may continue with entering information about your business.
  3. The next step is to follow the instructions on the screen, which will lead to verifying your business.

There are various ways you can verify your business, such as through phones, text, email, and many more. This time, you don’t need to access the ads manager like if you run a paid campaign.

Read also: Advertising without Money – Tips and Solutions

Final Thoughts

If you want to generate leads way faster and make lots of organic conversions in a relatively short time, you should consider utilizing your Google Ads account now. The cost is considerably low while the result can be amazing. Other than that, there is no such thing as your campaign through Google Ads doesn’t work. All you need to do is keep doing what you do. And this is everything you need to know about how to advertising on Google.


Editor: Erniyati Khalida